Monday, October 24, 2011

hanoi + ha long bay

can't believe i'm here.
have been repeating to myself at random points throughout the day,
"i'm in vietnam. i'm in vietnam. I'M IN VIETNAM!"
and it still doesn't feel real.

crazy traffic
bright lights
loud noises.
cute babies
and old people.
vietnamese iced coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
rice paddies
really narrow, long buildings
GREAT weather/minimal mosquitoes :D
amazing, amazing, amaaazing food...lots of it, for very cheap!

ha long bay was absolutely, ineffably beautiful.
kayaking/cave tours/jumping off a boat!/sleeping on a boat :)
but mostly for me, just being completely enveloped and awestruck by the natural beauty of it all.

tonight is our last night in hanoi.
our only real plans/goals are to eat three different types of entrees/dinners (averaging one every hour), a dessert, and a drink (smooooothie!)

headlines for ssa people, with more details forthcoming:
v's purse got slashed while we were walking thru the night market!
and she rolled her ankle playing badminton the evening before mtng me!


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