Friday, December 23, 2011

a day in the life

i remember when i first started blogging on my xanga (TEN years ago!) i used to write these detailed posts about my day LOL. i was so cool. i decided to do the same tonight for the first time in a long time, not because anything particularly interesting happened, but because many of you are so far removed from my days...

i didn't have to go into work until 11a this morning (yippee!) i woke up without feeling like i was being forced to by my alarm, which is always the best way to wake up. waking up is absolutely the most miserable part of any day for me. it doesn't matter if i've gotten two hours of sleep or ten (i am ashamed to say that i...often...get ten hours of sleep...), i feel the same. miserable. but i didn't today, hooray! with all the extra time i decided to walk to a bus stop that would take my on my favorite route to work, down lakeshore and michigan. it's about a 30min walk if you go at a leisurely pace, and sadly the only exercise i regularly fit into my life. the bus was so crowded that i wasn't positioned well enough to get a good view of the lake going down lakeshore. that made me very sad, because that's always one of the highlights of my day, looking at the lake on my commute. but i was very happy that i made it to work early enough that i had time to walk to the bank to deposit money. i was also very happy that today was pay day!

today was my first day back at work after spending about a week home in baltimore. it actually felt pretty great to be back in the office. it helps that i like what i do, and really like every single one of my colleagues (which is saying something considering our department has like fifty of us), the management, the organization at large- yeah. it was a nice day at work.

but it was really depressing to look out the window at 4:30p and see how pitch black it was.

afterwards i met up in chinatown with a colleague from my old job, who i call my work mom. she is absolutely wonderful and one of my favorite people ever. we walked around for a bit while waiting for her daughter and grandson to join us for dinner. i really, really love chinatown, it's actually one of my favorite neighborhoods in chicago. when you compare it to other chinatowns it sucks kind of a lot, but when you think about it just on it's own it's a really neat place. we wandered into a random little store and i found this:

a cute asian lunchbox, eek! very necessary, as i take 밥/반찬 to work 2-3x/week. heeheehee this made me soo happy, especially because MINUTES PRIOR i had been in another store contemplating the purchase of another cute lunchbox. that one had been hello kitty, and after awhile i decided it was just...too much. but this, this one is perfect! as i was waiting for my train home after dinner i called my mom to tell her all about it, and then just now i called her because i wanted to show her on skype. she declined and told me to just send her pictures, but i'm going to skype my dad to show him soon. hehehe. yes, little things like this make me VERY happy. the little leaflet that came with it offers such wise words as:

-Not for barbecue while used for microwave oven.
-Avoid heating oil, fat, sugar, or tomato and so on, which may stain a crisper or bring danger.

we had dinner at ken kee; the food was just okay. it was nice to finally meet my work mom's daughter, who is about my age. she has the cutest little boy :) work mom gave me a few gifts (so thoughtful) and then her daughter gave me bubble bath gel. gasp! just the other day as i was cleaning our tub i had thought about how nice it would be to take a bubble bath, and here this new friend was, presenting me a lovely bottle of it. so when i got home i cleaned my tub again and took a nice long soak. it felt amazing. my old lady back has been acting up recently after not giving me any issues for a long time, and it ached a lot today. the bath actually made it feel much better.

and then i ate three cuties and made a big pitcher of cold green tea, which i just remembered and must go drink. yay!
and then i will read. and watch some korean tv. and then go to sleep on my nice warm mat.

this entry's stylistic approach: third grade narrative. LOL.

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