Wednesday, August 31, 2011

hi coach van t. nguyen!

8:35 in the am and i am having cheese puffs for breakfast. after i told myself literally 5min before walking into the office that today would be day one of healthier eating habits. who can resist a bag of cheese puffs just laying on the table, free for the taking? come on.

i was on public transit for 6 hours of my life yesterday.
i saw a teenage boy reading a self-help book by Alcoholics Anonymous.
i saw a teenage girl in a high school uniform, maybe 15 or 16, maybe 7 or 8 months pregnant.
i saw an older gentleman with the most ridiculously ugly toupee. it looked like a wet, dead animal sitting atop his head. it was so horrible.
i saw a very handsome man in a very handsome suit gaze lovingly at his significant other with a slight smile on his lips as she sat reading the morning paper, for their entire bus ride. i could actually feel his love for her. it was the sweetest thing.
as i was reading the economist i glanced up and saw another asian lady reading the exact same article.

august has been an absolutely overwhelming, busy, exhausting, on-the-go, work-filled month, full of challenges and struggles and an ALL-NIGHTER post college/grad school (illegal?!) and, most of all, heapfuls of blessings.

i am more than ready for it to be september.

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