Wednesday, November 13, 2013


- i WILL wake up at 6:45a
as opposed to waking up somewhere btwn 7:10-7:15a and scrambling to make it out the door by 7:40a. this usually means doing half my makeup on the train, taking breakfast to go, and leaving my apartment in shambles. just a few extra minutes to gather myself and my thoughts at the start of the day.

- i WILL make better food choices
i am currently at the heaviest i have ever been and feel like crap. my specific goals are to consume less rice and tacos (sigh); consume more veggies and fruit; limit eating out; and not eat too late in the evening.

- i WILL explore who i am and how i am
i strongly believe in the importance of self exploration and reflection with the purpose of really figuring out who you are. for me this process is usually guided by a couple questions as i journal, or engage in conversations with close friends. guiding questions might include, for example, how did my family of origin impact my values? how i view money? how i am in relationships? i think these exercises in self recognition are fundamental to growing your best self...but it's something i struggle to do regularly.

that's it for now. will report back in a week! 

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